Saturday, February 7, 2009


It's taken me a month and a week, but I've FINALLY started writing.

I reread my story Molasses Swamp and decided to concentrate on it while my other projects are simmering on the backburners. (My muse has a very large stovetop!)

I LOVE this story. It has so much fun in it, so much action and zip! So I thought I'd twist things by throwing in a murder. No such luck. It's still too early. Instead, I added another character - a new character totally unexpected by Jason. That's right...Jason is going to flip when he sees who his mom is dating! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!

And his mom is going to freak when she finds what he's hiding in his room...

Anyhoo, I eked out about 1,000 words. That's no where near my goal of 500 per day, but it's a beginning!


Ceri Hebert said...

Love the title and I'm very intrigued by what Jason is hiding in his room.

groovyoldlady said...

Thanks soon as he tells ME I'll let you know. :D

Marianne Arkins said...

LOL... I was just going to ask WHAT IS JASON HIDING?? But apparently, he's hiding it from you, too.

Jen said...

Beginnings are good. It's great that you're so excited by your project!