Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Mid-Month

I know I'm dreadfully late! I apologize for being AWOL.

Happy middle of the month. Oh! Happy Valentine's Day, too! I hope this finds everyone enjoying good writing mojo, zipping along on their wips or finding fabulous inspiration for that next project.

Me? It's been hard to carve out any time for myself (I'm not complaining, just telling the truth) but I have been writing in every spare moment I can steal. Hubby's recuperation is at the point where he sleeps a lot, so I dash around while he naps. And when I'm not busy clearing snow, bringing in firewood or taking care of the house, I open my laptop and settle in, even if it's only for fifteen or twenty minutes at a time. The truly amazing thing is that while I'm behind where I'd like to be, the words are piling up at a steady rate. Every little bit counts, I guess!

Madcapped is now just over 14,000 words. I'm having a ball with this zany romance, enjoying making the characters dance, laugh and exfoliate on command. Uh, yes, I did say exfoliate.

Don't ask.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Marianne Arkins said...

I had a friend who won NaNoWriMo by writing when she pumped breast milk...

Oh.. that's probably TMI.

My point is, even 15 mins of writing adds up!

Welcome back :-)

Keri Mikulski said...

Sounds like you're doing amazing! Keep up the enthusiasm and great work. :)

Marianne - Seriously?? :)

Joanie said...

I probably need to print your post out and tape it onto the wall. Very encouraging, and very, very true! Keep up the good work! I'm so intrigued by your story, I can't wait to find it in print.

Ceri Hebert said...

Hey,15 minutes is 15 minutes (wisdom for the day, right there). Better than sitting down in front of the tv for those 15 minutes.

Hope your husband is better soon.

And isn't it wonderful when you actually LIKE what you write? That's what I'm liking about this challenge, if it's not working for me I can move onto something that will.

Jen said...

It sounds like you're having fun, moving forward and that this is a good outlet in between recuperation and other duties. I'm glad it's giving you such pleasure.