Sunday, June 7, 2009

Another Week...Still No Prompt

Well, Marianne, I tried this prompt but what I came up with made no sense--in a bad way. I may keep going at it because, quite frankly, it's a challenge. I did do the ten minute typing challenge. I've been doing that daily. Works well, even with the added distraction of children around.

As far as word count goes, I finished last week with 5178 words, working on two different wips. Not too bad. Not as good as last week though. But I was a day short because I counted last Sunday's words last week since May was ending. That was another 1300 words. But I won't count them twice.

My daughter and stepdaughter have spent all of yesterday writing their own stories. I was busy editing SD's story while she was writing a new one. My DD wrote a very short (and rather disturbing) story and parts of three others. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I think I may have a little Stephen King on my hands. And if her writing now is any indication, she's going to be one heck of a writer when she grows up and develops her talent. If she sticks to it, that is. She's pretty good for a twelve year old!

I hope that isn't just a mother's bias.

Everyone have a super Sunday! It's cake baking day here at the Hebert hacienda. Joy.

I hate baking.

With a passion.


Sarita Leone said...

Ceri, you always make me laugh! I'm baking shortcake this afternoon for strawberry shortcake, and I'll be thinking of your baking adventures while I work. :-) I hope your cake is perfectly yummy!

Good job with the word count. I am so happy for you.

Jen said...

Ceri, you're doing far better than I this week.


Next week life starts to open up again.

Sarita - I just pulled shortcakes out of the oven. I have a slew of teen writers coming over tonight and I'm grilling them chicken and making strawberry shortcakes. Tis the season!

Marianne Arkins said...

You did great!! And, I love baking... of course, I love eating more.


I hope this week's prompt works better for you.