Sunday, February 7, 2010

New Goal

My goal for February is somewhat ambiguous but I think it will work for me:


Every day.

I don't care how MUCH or how LONG or ON WHAT.

But I must do some fiction writing every day.


What about you? What goals do YOU have for this month? Let me know so I can add them to the sidebar.


Sarita Leone said...

I love your new goal. All that matters is that it'll work for you, and if this is it I think it's perfect! I know you can accomplish February's goal.

Me? On the first I began the third book in a series I'm writing. I'm woefully behind where I'd like to be but I've got about a third of the book done. It's called Change of Heart and my goal is to have the first draft written by the end of February.

I must be nuts. Starting tomorrow, we'll have two weeks of appointments. I see many early mornings in my future but if all goes well I should have book three in the bag by the twenty-eighth. Fingers crossed!

Good luck with your daily writing goal. I know you can do it. I'll be back to check in about fourteen days! :)

Charity Tahmaseb said...

That's the same conclusion I came to. Write. Every day. No drama. Just sit down and do it, even if all I get is twenty minutes or so.

It adds up. You'll be surprised.

Ceri Hebert said...

That's an excellent goal and, like Sarita said, all that really matters!

groovyoldlady said...

Let's be realistic (*snort*); my goal by the end of February is 2 YA chapters, 2 blog entries a week and 1 amazing poem/song. The poem is rumbling and tumbling now, so it shouldn't be long in appearing. I'm hoping I can use it in Linear Equation. My dream with that novel is to actually record a cd of music to accompany it.

This, from someone who can't keep her blog up.

(But I ain't giving up!)

swati.... said...

I may be a bit late in commenting on this post but your goal is really very interesting.I am a kind of person who has major difficulties in finishing things after starting them, and reading this post I think it would do me a world of good to follow your lead here....setting up goals is really a very useful thing to do!!!! All the best with your writing