Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Write or Die

Learned of a great tool for writing during NaNo -- it's free (and diabolical). It's a web site called Write or Die. I'm almost to the point where I can't write without it. It makes me laugh but it also keeps me on track and very productive. Wish there was an offline version.

I'll be using it during JaNoWriMo.

Anne AKA smellshorsey


Marianne Arkins said...

The Kamikaze one gave me hives just thinking about it -- it UNWRITES YOUR STUFF??????

:::faints dead away:::

Seriously, though, I like the idea a great deal and may have to give it a try. Thanks!

Ceri Hebert said...

I'll have to go check it out. But what Marianne just said scares me. Unwrites your work? Noooo!!!

groovyoldlady said...

I will use it on the novels. It's amazingly fun and helpful. But I will not use it for the contest work...unless I decide to go with a fiction entry. Should I go with fiction? Or poetry? or Non-fiction?

Or all three?

OK...too much thinking for a day of post holiday rest!

Jen said...

Whoa... Dr. Wicked, indeed! Not sure I can do this one.