Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wait...January's OVER??!!

I thought it just started! Oh well.

I am in a stage of my life where I seem to be out straight all the time. This month including emergency farm sitting, 2 search and rescue training classes, much grandchild babysitting, and endless errands with GrammaJ - all in addition to the usual housework, homeschool, 4-H, biology (I teach!), and nursing home ministry.

I confess that I got very little writing done. However, I did start a new habit that will serve me well from now on. I keep paper and pen with me at all times and when an idea barges into my head, I immediately jot it down. (Though sometimes I do wait until I've stopped the car first.)

Because of that I have outlined a goodly portion of the ending of Molasses Swamp and gotten starts on two other stories, Gramma Wars and Split.

It's not what I'd aimed for, but it's more than I would have done sans JaNoWriMo.

1 comment:

Marianne Arkins said...

Actually... that's what I like about having a group to help focus -- you may not write the Great American Novel in one month, but it does keep the idea of writing in the forefront of your mind, so you're likely to accomplish more.

Good job!