Saturday, April 25, 2009

Better Than I Thought

I really thought I'd had a lousy week. Okay, so not as bad as last week, but still, not great. I spent so much time contemplating what I had to write, the wips I had to chose from and nothing really generated a spark of interest. I spent time contemplating my "bad" characters to decide if I should reinvent them (see my Opinions Needed post).

In the end I worked on something brand new (but stopped when I realized I didn't have much of a plot developed) and finally ended the week working on a short story (shortish, I'm up to 12605 words and I have a few thousand more to go, but I'm determined to keep it short-ish). I found my spark there and actually had to force myself to stop because it's a spicy story and I got to a spicy part, which I don't like to write with kids around. I can spend the rest of my day (if I get anymore writing time) editing.

My grand total for the week is 5038 words. I could've done better but I completely wasted one day just staring at my computer (okay, and going to Facebook and such).

Only a few more days left in April! I'll post my month total on Thursday.

It's a beautiful day here. Think I'll take the kids out geocaching!


Marianne Arkins said...

You did good -- and I'm VERY glad you found your spark.

Would you believe it's TOO HOT here? Almost 90!!! Don't we live in New Hampshire? LOL...

Keri Mikulski said...

I know what you mean about finding your spark. I was stuck too.. Then, I found it after a chat.

Enjoy your weekend!

Ceri Hebert said...

It is very toasty here today. But we planted our garden and then I lay in the grass in the shade and stared up into the sky. I haven't done that in years. Just got back from driving on a bunch of back roads, drooling over houses I'd love to have.

What a day!