Saturday, March 14, 2009

Back to Work

After a particularly grueling couple of weeks personally, I couldn't write until I cleared my head. But, now I'm back to my list, more focused, more thankful for my writing life, more determined, and ready to push myself as hard as I can to continue achieving my goals and dreams. 

Besides my regular To Do list, I added another list this week. 

1. Join a NJRWA committee. Did anyone ever run a conference book fair? :) 
2. Attend my first critique group meeting. Thanks for the invite, Katia!  Two years ago, I belonged to one, then I moved. Meeting new writing buds tomorrow. :) 

This week, I finished polishing the first three chapters of a sporty tween assignment. I'm super psyched and passionate about this particular idea.  When I'm excited, the words flow so much easier. 

Fellow JaNoWriMoers: Do the words flow faster when you're excited and passionate about your subject or character? And when you suffer a loss or something tragic happens, do you feel more focused and determined when you return to writing? Or is it difficult to write? 

Have a fabulous weekend! :) 


Marianne Arkins said...

Absolutely the words flow better when I'm excited or passionate about what I'm writing. I also find that the longer I'm away from writing the harder it is to get back to it. And, to be honest, when I'm down about something it's hard to do anything -- sometimes just getting out a bed is too hard. So writing? ::shakes head::

Glad you're back!

Kealie Shay said...

Welcome back, Keri. I can certainly relate to not being able to write when you're down. That doesn't stop the voices but it means I don't really care if the voices scream. :-)

Glad to hear you're doing better, and those are great goals!

Keri Mikulski said...

Thanks, Marianne! And I appreciate your support during the past two weeks. :)

Hi, Kealie! Thanks! My voices were silent for a bit, but there back and I welcome them. Writing is usually my distraction from life. :) I'm glad I'm not the only one. :)

Joanie said...

You've had a full week! And I love your little doggie. Welcome back!

Keri Mikulski said...

Thanks, Joanie! ;)