Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Whole Lot of Nothing

Hey, everyone! Just checking in to say.. Ah... Nothing. Only about 1000 words written this week for my WIP. But, it's all good. Sometimes life just gets in the way. And it certainly was last week. 

But, it's a new week and a new list of priorities. No blogs. No FACEBOOK. No Perez Hilton until I write 1000 words. Yesterday, I wrote a list of priorities on a bright yellow post it and stuck it to my laptop. Write 1000 words is first. Assignments, emails, and revisions are listed second. And blogs, FACEBOOK, and publicity is last. So far. So good. :)   

Does anyone else make a daily list of priorities? 

Have a fabulous week! :)  


Ceri Hebert said...

Hey 1000 words is not nothing. It's 1000 more words than you had the week before. :oD

Keri Mikulski said...

Hey, Ceri!! So true.. :) Have a great weekend.

Marianne Arkins said...

See now, you have me wanting to go see Perez Hilton -- I haven't a clue what it is, but ... I want to go see!!


And, yeah, some things are just really fun time-sucks. :-(

smellshorsey said...

Wish I had 1,000 words to report. Yes, I also make priorities but then ignore them.

I don't know what Perez Hilton is either. Guess it's best that I don't find out!

Keri Mikulski said...

Hi, Marianne and Smellshorsey! Don't do it.. I'm warning you.. :) It's addicting.

Jen said...

I always have a list of priorities. It's the only way I get through the day. I'm pretty good at knowing what pockets of time I can put which priority into, as well.

1000 words is still 1000 words!

Tiffany said...

Hmmm . . . that reminds me, I haven't checked on Perez Hilton in a long time. :-) Anyways, 1000 words is awesome!

Joanie said...

You're so good to keep to your priorities. Unfortunately, I do know who Perez Hilton is, and if you're hooked I know you've been working through major withdrawls. Good going!