Monday, January 5, 2009

Not even Pedaling

It started out great with the first three days seeming to keep me in sync towards the count, but the last two days I seem to have lost some of the energy. I've written, not much, but some each day. For that, I am thankful, but what I have written is not necessarily cohesive.

I will continue. At least attempting to get this pedaling up to speed. The story has wandered. The characters seem a bit lost.


Jen said...

Karen, my writing is all over the place right now. I feel like a painter throwing paint on and not even stopping to smooth it with a palette knife.

I'll be back tomorrow and maybe we can meet up and offer support. It's great that you're still doing something each day!

Keri Mikulski said...

Keep going, Karen! :)

Tiffany said...

Keep writing, even if it's just a few hundred words a day - you'll be back in the flow in no time!

Marianne Arkins said...

Sometimes letting your characters wander a bit can give you some great new ideas. You may end up editing out some scenes -- but, as Nora Roberts says, "You can't edit a blank page."

You're doing fine. Keep plugging away!!

Amy said...

Keep on keepin' on, Karen. If you can't pedal, get off the bike and WALK. A little bit each day will add up to BIG results.

edeevee said...

Some days you pedal. Some days you coast. Just stay on the bike and we'll get through this.