Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Day Late

Not that there's much to report. I haven't put out more than 1200 words since the 14th. I got slammed with a horrible cold and it's all I can do to speak coherently, never mind write anything that makes sense. I tried going into work on Friday, didn't make it much past 9am and tried again yesterday but called it quits at 1pm. Not great.

Anyway, I have the next two days off. I'm going to try to get lots done. I'm shocked that we're past the halfway mark for the month. EEEEKKKKK.

Everyone have a wonderful day!


Marianne Arkins said...

Yeah... halfway.. EEEKK!

Good luck with your writing!

Charity Tahmaseb said...

You're doing great! Much, much better on the word count than I am at any rate. Keep going!

Dru said...

You're doing great. I hope you feel better soon.

Keri Mikulski said...

Feel better soon! :)

Sending hugs.

Anonymous said...

At 1200 words you are still sprinting ahead of me. Hope you feel better soon!

Jen said...

Ceri, your word count looks like you'll have no trouble hitting target. Feel better and get some rest!

Joanie said...

I hate trying to write when I'm congested. Feel better, and know you're still going great on word count.