Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Home Stretch

Sometimes life has a way of giving a person exactly what she needs, when she needs it. That's what's been happening here. I've been given some early morning hours to call my own and that's when I'm writing. I generally begin each day writing but with all that's going on I never thought I'd be able to stick to my schedule.

But, as I said, life has a funny way of evening things out. I've been so busy caring for Hubby and home that I've gotten into the habit of falling asleep (passing out, actually!) around midnight, sleeping for a couple of hours, then waking...and writing. I feel like life is getting back to normal here, piece by piece and word by word. It's all good, and I am grateful.

Oh? My word count? Well, as of this morning, Tango At Midnight is 41,938 words long. I know a lot of that will change when I rewrite, but for now it is very satisfying to watch the story grow.

Now, to find some coffee...

Have a great Sunday!


Dru said...

Excellent word count progress. You can make it, I know you can.

Ceri Hebert said...

That's awesome! It's been a really good month I'd say, for everyone.

Charity Tahmaseb said...

Wow, so impressive! And you started late, too. Good for you!

Jen said...

You are ROCKING! I'm so glad this has been a good outlet for you among all the other things you've been dealing with.

Keri Mikulski said...

Great word count! :)

Tiffany said...

Sounds like the story is really coming together for you - great job!

Marianne Arkins said...

Fantastic!! You started late, and kicked serious booty.

Well done.

Anonymous said...

TA-freakin-DA! 41,938 words is AMAZING. You're an inspiration.