Monday, January 5, 2009

Out Of The Gate Late

If it's Monday morning....everyone has left (I hope. It's snowing as I write this, so there is the possibility I'm looking for my sanity under the sofa cushions because the kids are STILL off school) and I'm ready to get down to the business of words, words and more words.

My starting word count is: 26,461.

I've got a through-line chart for the story, which plots the different threads that weave in and out of the book. The chart is divided into four acts, and each thread has a complete arc across the entire story. It helps me keep everything straight as I'm writing each scene, which allows me to write the spine (rough draft) of the story faster.

It's been working well so far. We'll see how it does when I ratchet up the daily word count.


Marianne Arkins said...

Sounds like you have everything plotted out (color me jealous, I've tried and tried and I can't...)

Good luck (and best wishes that the kids go to school tomorrow!)

Ceri Hebert said...

Wow... I'm impressed. I rarely put that much work into prepping a story. Maybe I should.

Have a good, productive day!

Dru said...

way to go on your word count. Have a great writing day.

Melissa McClone said...

Go, Amy, Go!

Charity Tahmaseb said...

Good luck! It sounds like you're off to a solid start. I listened to one of the 2007 conference sessions today on the way to work. The Michael Hauge character arc one. Good stuff.

Jen said...

It's so funny, Amy, because I usually prep in a similar way, but I'm really doing by-the-seat this time and so far it's working.

Happy writing now that everyone's back to the normal routine!

Keri Mikulski said...

Good luck!

edeevee said...

I'd love to be disciplined enough to prep for a novel as thoroughly as you have for this one. Your refrigerator's probably clean too, huh? I want to be you in my next life.