Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday check-in on a Sunday

Well, this is the week I petered out a bit.

I was getting very stressed keeping up the word count, and I also felt I was spinning my wheels creatively. I've also been dealing with a serious bout of arthritis and stress appears to be one of my main triggers.

So... I let go a bit.

For next week, I'm pushing for 5000 - 7000 words.

And I'm delighted to have done as much as I have this month. This has been a wonderful motivator! My current word count is:


Dru said...

Woo Hoo! WTG on your word count progress. You can do it!

Joanie said...

Woo hoo is right! Despite all of life's gremlins trying to keep you from writing, you've kept you head down and moved forward. Great progress for this month!

Ceri Hebert said...

Awesome! I bet you'll have no problems!

But I'll be sad when the month is over. Looking forward to doing this again.

Sarita Leone said...

Wow! You've done an impressive job so far! Way to go!

I'm so sorry to hear your arthritis is giving you pain. This is a rough time of year for a lot of sufferers. Sending warm thoughts your way! :)

Sarita Leone said...

I'm with Ceri. I'll be sad when the month is over. I'm going to miss everyone.

Keri Mikulski said...

Yay! Great word count! ;)

Tiffany said...

You're doing awesome!

Marianne Arkins said...

WOW and WOO HOO!! Your total word count is awesome :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Jen! Just WOW! What a fantastic amount of work you've done this month.

Karen said...

Jen - It sounds like you are doing great - one week does not count. Keep up your progress.

Charity Tahmaseb said...

Wonderful! And having a peek at your stuff (lucky me) I know you're producing good stuff, too.

I think it's okay to let go, just for a bit. Let things sink in before moving forward.