Saturday, January 3, 2009

Word Count, Day 3 + Collage part deux

I've decided to lump together the words from both stories into one nifty widget. I worked on both this morning, so my total word count for JaNo is:

To be on track, I should really have 4838 words today... but I can still catch up. I have high hopes that once DH is back at work on Monday, and DD is back doing school, and things are just basically back to normal, I will have more uninterrupted time to write.

And, I did a collage for A Jewel for Geoff:

I love collages, but they are a serious time suck. Still... it's done. And it helps organize my thoughts. Yay.


Charity Tahmaseb said...

Is that the heroine in the center? (I'm guessing it is.) Ha. She's going to rock Geoff's world, isn't she? ;-)

edeevee said...

I'm so glad Geoff is getting a girl of his own. And if you're feeling bad about your word count, just say to yourself, 'At least I'm writing more than Darcy!'

Dru said...

Very good showing on your word count and I like your collage.

Ceri Hebert said...

I like doing collages too. And I have you to thank for that. :) THANKS!

My life will return to normal on Monday as well. Yeh!!!!!

Melissa McClone said...

I really like the idea of doing a collage. After this is over I'll have to figure out how to do one. I don't have time right now.

Tiffany said...

Great collage!

Keri Mikulski said...

Love the collages. :)

Jen said...

Great switch off for Geoff in seeing your protagonista? Love the look of Center Girl.

Are you writing both simultaneously? Switching off?